After the first year of work, last December 13 took place in Cáceres the first working meeting of the Extremadura Rarities Committee (CREX). Six of the nine members currently forming the working group attended. All internal issues of interest were discussed, with particular emphasis on the drafting of the first CREX report, which we hope to publish at the beginning of the year. From here we encourage you to send any sighting, no matter how old, to include it in our archives. In this web you will find both the list of species considered local rarities and the forms to fill and send.
We will inform you of the news.
CREX first work meeting (Cáceres, Dec. 13th 2016). From left to right: Hugo Sánchez, Marc Gálvez, José Guerra, Martin Kelsey, Sergio Mayordomo y Fran Montaño. Photo: Raquel Lozano