List of Rarities
List of species in Extremadura considered rarities.
Local Rarity
National Rarity
Malvasía canela | Ruddy Duck | Oxyura jamaicensis | LR | |
Malvasía cabeciblanca | White-headed Duck | Oxyura leucocephala | LR | |
Barnacla carinegra | Brent Goose | Branta bernicla | LR | |
Barnacla carinegra de vientre pálido | Pale-bellied Brent Goose | Branta bernicla hrota | NR | |
Barnacla cariblanca | Barnacle Goose | Branta leucopsis | LR | |
Barnacla cuelliroja | Red-breasted Goose | Branta ruficollis | NR | |
Barnacla canadiense grande | Canada Goose | Branta canadensis | LR | |
Ánsar indio | Bar-headed Goose | Anser indicus | LR | |
Ánsar campestre | Bean Goose | Anser fabalis | NR | |
Anser fabalis rossicus | NR | |||
Ánsar piquicorto | Pink-footed Goose | Anser brachyrhynchus | LR | |
Ánsar careto | Greater White-fronted Goose | Anser albifrons | LR | |
Ánsar careto de Groenlandia | Greenland White-fronted Goose | Anser albifrons favirostris | NR | |
Negrón especulado | Velvet Scoter | Melanitta fusca | LR | |
Negrón común | Common Scoter | Melanitta nigra | LR | |
Serreta chica | Smew | Mergellus albums | NR | |
Serreta grande | Goosander | Mergus merganser | NR | |
Serreta mediana | Red-breasted Merganser | Mergus serrator | LR | |
Cerceta pardilla | Marbled Teal | Marmaronetta angustirostris | LR | |
Porrón acollarado | Ring-necked Duck | Aythya collaris | LR | |
Porrón bastardo | Greater Scaup | Aythya marila | LR | |
Porrón bola | Lesser Scaup | Aythya affinis | NR | |
Cerceta común | Common Teal | Anas crecca carolinensis | LR | |
Zampullín picogrueso | Pied-billed Grebe | Podilymbus podiceps | NR | |
Vencejo moro | Little Swift | Apus affinis | LR | |
Abejaruco persa | Blue-cheeked Bee-eater | Merops orientalis | NR | |
Guión de codornices | Corncrake | Crex crex | NR | |
Polluela bastarda | Little Crake | Zapornia parva | LR | |
Polluela chica | Baillon’s Crake | Zapornia pusilla | LR | |
Focha moruna | Red-knobbed Coot | Fulica cristata | LR | |
Grulla canadiense | Sandhill Crane | Antigone canadensis | NR | |
Grulla damisela | Demoiselle Crane | Anthropoides virgo | NR | |
Colimbo chico | Red-throated Loon | Gavia stellata | LR | |
Colimbo ártico | Arctic Loon | Gavia arctica | LR | |
Colimbo grande | Common Loon | Gavia immer | LR | |
Paíño europeo | European Storm-petrel | Hydrobates pelagicus | LR | |
Paíño de Leach | Leach’s Storm-petrel | Oceanodroma leucorhoa | LR | |
Paíño de Madeira | Band-rumped Storm-petrel | Hydrobates castro | LR | |
Marabú africano | Marabou | Leptoptilos crumenifer | NR | |
Tántalo africano | Yellow-billed Stork | Mycteria ibis | NR | |
Espátula africana | African Spoonbill | Platalea alba | NR | |
Ibis eremita | Northern Bald Ibis | Geronticus eremita | LR | |
Garceta dimorfa | Western Reef-egret | Egretta gularis | NR | |
Híbrido dimorfa X común | Hybrid ReefXLittle | Egretta gularisXgarzetta | LR | |
Pelícano rosado | Pink-backed Pelican | Pelecanus rufescens | NR | |
Pelícano común | Great White Pelican | Pelecanus onocrotalus | NR | |
Cormorán grande | Common Great Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo carbo | LR | |
Ostrero euroasiático | Eurasian Oystercatcher | Haematopus ostralegus | LR | |
Chorlito dorado americano | American Golden Plover | Pluvialis dominica | NR | |
Chorlitejo culirrojo | Killdeer | Charadrius vociferus | NR | |
Avefría sociable | Sociable Lapwing | Vanellus gregarius | NR | |
Aguja colipinta | Bar-tailed Godwit | Limosa lapponica | LR | |
Correlimos gordo | Red Knot | Calidris canutus | LR | |
Correlimos culiblanco | White-rumped Sandpiper | Calidris fuscicollis | NR | |
Correlimos canelo | Buff-breasted Sandpiper | Calidris subruficollis | LR | |
Correlimos pectoral | Pectoral Sandpiper | Calidris melanotos | LR | |
Agujeta escolopácea | Long-billed Dowitcher | Limnodromus scolopaceus | NR | |
Agachadiza real | Great Snipe | Gallinago media | LR | |
Falaropo picofino | Red-necked Phalarope | Phalaropus lobatus | LR | |
Falaropo picogrueso | Red Phalarope | Phalaropus fulicarius | LR | |
Archibebe patigualdo chico | Lesser Yellowlegs | Tringa flavipes | NR | |
Archibebe fino | Marsh Sandpiper | Tringa stagnatilis | LR | |
Corredor sahariano | Cream-coloured Courser | Cursorius cursor | NR | |
Gaviota enana | Little Gull | Hydrocoloeus minutus | LR | |
Gaviota tridáctila | Black-legged Kittiwake | Rissa tridactyla | LR | |
Gaviota de Bonaparte | Bonaparte’s Gull | Larus philadelphia | NR | |
Gaviota picofina | Slender-billed Gull | Larus genei | LR | |
Gaviota guanaguanare | Laughing Gull | Larus atricilla | NR | |
Gaviota pipizcan | Franklin’s Gull | Larus pipixcan | NR | |
Gaviota de Delaware | Ring-billed Gull | Larus delawarensis | LR | |
Gaviota cana | Mew Gull | Larus canus | LR | |
Gaviota argéntea europea | European Herring Gull | Larus argentatus | LR | |
Gavión atlántico | Great Black-backed Gull | Larus marinus | LR | |
Pagaza piquirroja | Caspian Tern | Hydroprogne caspia | LR | |
Fumarel aliblanco | White-winged Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus | LR | |
Charrán común | Common Tern | Sterna hirundo | LR | Except Valdecañas |
Charrán ártico | Arctic Tern | Sterna paradisaea | LR | |
Charrán patinegro | Sandwich Tern | Thalasseus sandvicensis | LR | |
Págalo parásito | Arctic Jaeger | Stercorarius parasiticus | LR | |
Págalo grande | Great Skua | Catharacta skua | LR | |
Quebrantahuesos | Bearded Vulture | Gypaetus barbatus | LR | Except Gredos |
Buitre moteado | Rüppell’s Vulture | Gyps rueppelli | LR | |
Aguilucho papialbo | Pallid Harrier | Circus macrourus | LR | |
Pigargo europeo | White-tailed Sea-eagle | Haliaeetus albicilla | NR | |
Busardo calzado | Rough-legged Buzzard | Buteo lagopus | NR | |
Busardo moro | Long-legged Buzzard | Buteo rufinus | NR | |
Cernícalo patirrojo | Red-footed Falcon | Falco vespertinus | LR | |
Halcón de Eleonora | Eleonora’s Falcon | Falco eleonorae | LR | |
Halcón borní | Lanner Falcon | Falco biarmicus | NR | |
Alondra ricotí | Dupont’s Lark | Chersophilus duponti | LR | |
Terrera marismeña | Lesser Short-toed Lark | Calandrella rufescens | LR | |
Bisbita de Richard | Richard’s Pipit | Anthus richardi | LR | |
Bisbita gorgirrojo | Red-throated Pipit | Anthus cervinus | LR | |
Lavandera boyera | Yellow-crowned Wagtail | Motacilla flava flavissima | LR | |
Lavandera boyera | Grey-headed Wagtail | Motacilla flava thunbergii | LR | |
Lavandera boyera | Ashy-headed Wagtail | Motacilla flava cinereocapilla | LR | |
Lavandera boyera | Intergrade feldegg/flava | Motacilla flava superciliaris | LR | |
Lavandera boyera | Black-headed Wagtail | Motacilla flava feldegg | NR | |
Collalba gris groenlandesa | Greenland N. Wheatear | Oenanthe oenanthe leucorhoa | LR | |
Carricerín real | Moustached Warbler | Acrocephalus melanopogon | LR | Excluding Arrocampo |
Carricerín cejudo | Aquatic Warbler | Acrocephalus paludicola | LR | |
Mosquitero silbador | Wood Warbler | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | LR | |
Mosquitero bilistado | Yellow-browed Warbler | Phylloscopus inornatus | LR | |
Mosquitero de Hume | Hume’s Leaf-warbler | Phylloscopus humei | NR | |
Mosquitero siberiano | Siberian Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus tristis | NR | |
Bigotudo | Bearded Parrotbill | Panurus biarmicus | LR | Excluding Arrocampo |
Treparriscos | Wallcreeper | Tichodroma muraria | LR | |
Alcaudón dorsirrojo | Red-backed Shrike | Lanius collurio | LR | Except N of Plasencia |
Graja | Rook | Corvus frugilegus | LR | |
Estornino rosado | Rose-coloured Starling | Pastor roseus | NR | |
Gorrión alpino | White-winged Snowfinch | Montifringilla nivalis | LR | |
Camachuelo trompetero | Trumpeter Finch | Bucanetes githagineus | LR | |
Verderón serrano | Citril Finch | Carduelis citrinella | LR | Only Badajoz Province |
Escribano nival | Snow Bunting | Plectrophenax nivalis | LR | |
Escribano cerillo | Yellowhammer | Emberiza citrinella | LR | |
Escribano pigmeo | Little Bunting | Emberiza pusilla | NR |