Species and Location


    Date of observation

    Number of individuals present





    Author of the description

    Name and Surname


    Country of residence

    Other observers present


    This description has to be based in field notes taken during observation and never in reference books. It is worth adding a copy of field notes as well as sketches or drawings.

    1. How did you find the bird? (brief description)

    2. Structure (size and shape)

    3. Bill and legs (size, shape, colour)

    4. Plumage of head and body (colour, distinctive markings)

    5. Wings and tail (shape and form, colour, distinctive markings)

    6. Behaviour

    7. Vocalization

    8. Discussion on why the observer believes this is the proposed species and not another

    9. Time of day and duration of the sighting.

    10. Are you 100% certain of the record?

    Other Information

    Species present for direct comparison

    Previous experience of this species

    Previous experience of similar species

    Optical equipment used

    Distance from the bird

    Weather conditions

    Were photographs/vídeos/sound recordings taken of the bird?

    Name of the owner (if different)

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